Rules & Policies


1.1.      Only residents within Skyline Ridge Neighborhood Association boundaries (as defined in the deed and shown on maps on file) may belong to Skyline Ridge Pool, except annual Board-approved non-resident memberships.

1.2.      The Board of Directors shall set dues to access the pool each year.  Membership is first offered to owners/tenants within the platted boundaries of Skyline Ridge and then to outside households if the membership limit has not been reached. If space allows, new non-resident households will be granted membership through our lottery program. Families moving into Skyline Ridge after the sign-up period may join the pool on a pro rata basis to be determined by the Board.

1.3.      One household membership may be purchased per residence. A household is defined as those living full time in the residence.

1.4.      It is the Association’s goal to be a good neighbor and as much as possible, to maintain an environment that is acceptable to the residents living near the recreation facilities.  This involves continuous efforts to manage noise levels, street traffic and parking, and maintenance of the facilities.  Members are responsible to assist with these efforts by:

1.4. a.      Keeping noise levels down – monitor/control the yelling or screaming of accompanied children — the use of electronic devices (radios, CD players, etc.) and musical instruments is not allowed.

1.4.b.      Only using the facilities during operating hours; loitering on the premises outside of operating hours is not allowed.

1.4.c.      Driving slowly and cautiously on the streets around the facilities (for the safety of children and residents in the area).

1.4.d.      Parking on the street is available but members/visitors may not block access to resident driveways, mailboxes and garbage cans.

1.4.e.      Keeping the facilities and grounds clean – do not litter; place trash in provided receptacles.

1.5.      No person may be allowed to use the facilities unless he/she is a Member of the Association or is a guest of a Member.  Members may use the facilities as often as they like, subject to other limitations found in the rules of the Association.  No guest may use the facilities without being accompanied by a Member.

1.6.     The following rules are in effect regarding guests:

1.6.a.      All guests must be registered in the Guest Log upon entrance to the pool.  Tracking of guests will be strictly enforced and maximum number of guests per household visit is 4 guests.

1.6.b.      Access of guests to the facilities may be limited at the discretion of the lifeguard if crowding, excessive use, or other conditions should warrant it.

1.6.c.      The use of guest privileges is not intended to allow for small group events.  Members (and their guests) doing so will be asked to leave the pool.

1.6.d.      Repeated violation of the guest policies may result in forfeiture of membership, without refund.

1.7.       General facility hours are from 6:00am to 10:00pm. Special circumstances may dictate different hours and will be posted or communicated in advance, when possible.

1.8.      The following rules are in effect for the security of the facilities:

1.8.a.      During operating hours, access to the pool is by use of Members’ keys and signing the pool attendance ledger.

1.8.b.      Please notify a Board member if a key is lost or stolen; there is a $25 charge for a replacement key. (Scroll down to bottom of page, where you can find the replacement key button.)


1.9.       No glass containers or gum may be brought into the pool or court areas.  No food is allowed in the fenced area of the pool facility.

1.10.      Foul language and obnoxious behavior are prohibited and may result in revocation of household membership.  Confrontational behavior and/or ignoring directions issued by lifeguards, Board members, and concerned parents to other parents, kids, and guests may result in expulsion from the facilities.  In addition, the lifeguards have the authority to remove any individual who is acting inappropriately.

1.11.      Association volunteers and employees’ first and utmost concern is the safety of all members and their guests using the facilities; their attention cannot be entirely consumed by a few.  Parents and supervising adults are responsible for monitoring and controlling accompanied minors.

1.12.      No pets, bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, scooters, or vehicles of any kind, are allowed in the pool facilities.  Bicycles must be parked in the bike rack.  Caregivers are responsible for reinforcing this particular rule with their own children, guests, and other claimed dependents.

1.13.      The Association is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.  The Association does keep a bin in the pool bathroom for short-term care of found items.  If items are lost, please message a board member or check in with a lifeguard on duty.

1.14.      The Association is not liable or responsible for injuries and/or death to Members or guests arising from use of the facilities.

1.15.      Access to the facilities by non-members must be controlled by the Members themselves; all infractions of guest rules, or any other rules, should be reported to a Board member or lifeguard.

1.16.      All pool memberships are non-deferrable, non-transferable and non-refundable. We do not offer credit for partial years. 

1.17.      Photos taken by the Association’s Board, volunteers, and staff, as well as pool members on the SRPA property may be used on the SRPA website, and for communications for the purpose of building community and showcasing the fun of pool membership.  Photos will not be used for commercial purposes.

1.18.      MEMBERS MAY BE EXPELLED FOR VIOLATION OF THE RULES AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BOARD.  No portion of the membership dues will be returned in such cases.


2.1.      Days or times of the week set aside by the Board for swim lessons will be posted and communicated in advance. Private lessons, outside of those offered by Swim For Fun, are not allowed at any time.

2.2      Special cleaning, chemical, or maintenance issues may require brief pool closure without advance notice.

2.3.     Only personal flotation devices and water play equipment are allowed in the pool and then, only with lifeguard approval (safety considerations of all members).

2.4.      Lifeguards are authorized to restrict the entry of guests and/or Members into the pool area when the pool is overcrowded.  He/she is also authorized to remove from the pool area any Member or guest who is in violation of the pool rules.

2.5.      When the lifeguard is NOT present, NO PERSON UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE may enter the pool area or swim unless accompanied by a person 18 years of age or older.  THIS IS OREGON STATE LAW.  (It is never a good idea to swim alone and those that do so swim at their own risk.)

2.6.     When the lifeguard is present:

2.6.a.      Children 9 years of age and under may enter the pool area and swim ONLY with accompaniment/supervision of an adult (18 years and older.) No exceptions.

They may only swim in the deep end if they have passed the lifeguard-administered swim test OR with direct accompaniment/supervision (in pool or at pool’s edge) by an adult.

2.6.b.      Children 10 to 13 years of age, who have passed a lifeguard-administered swim test, are allowed in the pool area to swim without accompaniment/supervision. Please note: this is only allowed when a lifeguard is on duty.

They may only swim in the deep end if they have passed the lifeguard-administered swim test OR with direct accompaniment/supervision (in pool or at pool’s edge) by a person 15 years of age or older.

*The swim test, utilized to evaluate sufficient swimming skill and administered by a lifeguard, consists of the following set of skills: 1) One length freestyle 2) One length backstroke 3) Treading water for 1 minute 4) Touching bottom of pool’s deep end (8 ft)

2.7.      A “No Lifeguard” sign is posted when no lifeguard is on duty.  IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH MEMBER TO CHECK FOR THE LIFEGUARD BEFORE SENDING CHILDREN TO SWIM WITHOUT SUPERVISION. Please note that during inclement weather, lifeguards are sometimes sent home early. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure a guard is on duty.

2.8.      Running is NOT allowed in or around the pool area.  Dunking, wrestling, and other acts of horseplay are also not allowed. Diving is allowed only in the deep end of the pool

2.9. The dividing rope must be in place outside of any lap swimming.

2.10.     People with open sores or any infectious disease, such as athlete’s foot, pink eye, or impetigo, or individuals who have experienced vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours are not permitted in the pool area.

2.11.      All swimmers must wear swimsuits.  Cut-off shorts or pants are expressly prohibited.  Infants and young children MUST wear “water diapers” or similar underwear made specifically for wear in the water.  Cloth and disposable diapers are not allowed in the pool.  Public nudity is illegal in the City of West Linn and is prohibited.

2.12.      Showers must be taken at the pool shower before entering the pool.

2.13.      If any contaminants such as vomit, feces or any unsafe behaviors or objects are in the pool, please report this to a lifeguard or board member immediately.

2.14. Small children and babies that need diapers need to also wear a PLASTIC DIAPER PANT to contain solids and liquids. Diapers alone, including “swim” diapers, are not sufficient. A plastic outer containment pant MUST be used over any diaper.

  • The plastic swim bottoms can be purchased at any major retail chain or online.

  • There is a new diaper changing table in the restrooms.  Please be sure to change diapers in the restrooms ONLY.

  • Small children that need to change into and out of their swimsuits and clothes should do this in the restrooms ONLY. 

  • Small children must be accompanied to the restroom to make sure solids are wiped from their bodies and the restroom is left clean.  

  • EVERYONE must rinse after using the restroom and re-entering the pool.

  • Per the State of Oregon, no one that has had diarrhea can swim for 2 weeks after their last episode.